The Best Training

At Precision, training is viewed as an investment not an expense. A company cannot produce world-class parts if their employees are not trained to world-class standards.

Every associate that has been at PMCI for 6 months goes through training and certification to the international wire harness standard IPC WHMA A 620. PMCI has an in-house certified trainer to assure that this training is continuous and current.

In addition, every associate is trained to ISO standards Everyone that solders must be certified to J Std 001.

Having the best equipment is only effective if the people running the machinery is trained to the equipment manufacturers rigid standards. Precision insist on sending their associates to the manufacturers facility to learn proper operating procedures. In addition, PMCI goes to the extra expense of having the manufacturer send in their professional when new equipment is purchased at PMCI.

You can be assured that your parts are being produced by associates that are trained to world-class standards when you partner with PMCI.

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 2149 Valley Street
 Dayton, OH 45404